That's a teenager with a dangerously inflated sense of her own importance. Ick.
I just hope she is a teenager. The last time I encountered someone operating with that much malice and conviction, it was a woman in her 40s. If this one's a teenager, at least there's a hope she could grow some compassion.
I just can't imagine doing that. I can't imagine having the arrogance to think I should do it in public, either.
ita, do you mind if I post that link to my Star Trek f-list?
Awesome! Posted and I said to spread the word.
So I asked my flist for Harry Potter recs, since I just finished the series & saw the last movie.
... what I have learned is that Harry/Draco does nothing for me. Bah.
I liked Resonant's Transfigurations, but despite the romance, not because of it.
Did everyone see Tom Felton on Conan? He's a very good sport about [on my small screen can't tell if they are manips or photorealistic paintings] the art that Conan shows him.
that was hysterical, Laga. I think the first is a manip and the second a painting.
Did they give credit to the artists?
Did they give credit to the artists?
They do not but Felton says that his brother has one of the two shown as the wallpaper on his phone and that he tells all of his friends that it's real and that he took the photograph.