Harry hates Tonks and Hermione
That makes me so sad, I can't even. *cries for Hermione, who is my favourite* I don't read much slash, but this phenomenon is just as prevalent in het. In any Hermione-centric het stories, Ron is invariably an insensitive, philandering bastard. I'm all for people exploring non-canon pairings, but must they character-assassinate everyone who stands in the way of their OTP? I don't care how good the writing or the plot is -- demonization of canon love interest gets an automatic back button from me.
Edited 'cause you'd think I'd know how to spell my favourite character's first name, but noooo....
In any Hermione-centric het stories, Ron is invariably an insensitive, philandering bastard.
Yeah, because canon supports that. wtf? He's a bit clueless, but all fourteen-year-olds are.
I don't care how good the writing or the plot is -- demonization of canon love interest gets an automatic back button from me.
Yeah, I should have saved those hours and spent it doing my own writing. I got the first set of beta back on Carpetbaggers, and thank god for having a beta who can both Brit!pick and history!pick for me. Although I'm astonished at her announcement that Brits do not say, "Huh."
What would they say in its place though?? "Huh" strikes me as fairly universal to me. Come to think of it, I use it to express puzzlement when I'm speaking to my family in Korean.
But "huh" is... I dunno. More subdued and less emphatic. There is a contemplative quality to the puzzlement. It's a super-useful term! Almost as useful as "eh", which I use all the time. Next, you're gonna tell me Brits don't use "eh" either!
I actually did switch out "Huh." for "Blimey," but I really really don't like it. Gonna have to think on that.
It's also got to be chronologically-appropriate, as we're talking about English schoolkids in 1939. Argh.
"Wot?" doesn't have to be emphatic. But, more seriously, I think I'd probably have said "What?" or "What's that?" when I was at my most British, rather than "Huh?"
Not that I've ever thought about it beforehand. I would be the worst Ameri or Britpicker EVER. I could Jampick, though. Kinda.
I actually did switch out "Huh." for "Blimey,"
Are they Cockney? Did your beta suggest that? That does make me remember "Cor!" which I might have said out of surprise, but not questioning.