I understand the author set up a journal where he asked people in the fanfic community for input, and he was vetted by someone with the Organization for Transformative Works.
Fan Fiction II: Great story! Where's the sequel?
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
I want good copies of this guy's maps of Westeros etc soooo bad.
In one of those minus-breadcrumbs sideslips through FoF journals, I came upon this rather lengthy essay on fandom and fic. It starts out about the western, which I know is anathema to many, but only to use the demise of the western to illustrate the possible, even probable course of fandom, and fic, in the future. I thought some might find it interesting. It's here.
A round-up of ASOIAF fan art.
Does GRRM have a stated stance on fanart?
I don't know. It does seem to be all over the place.
Didn't the Time article say he was okay with fanfic? I can't remember now, but if he's okay with that, he's probably fine with art, too. Or I would assume so.
GRRM is not particularly okay with fanfic, no. Unless he's changed his stance recently.
Wikipedia sez:
Martin is strongly opposed to any type of fan fiction, believing it to be copyright infringement and a bad exercise for all aspiring writers.[citation needed] He never gives permission for any of his intellectual property to be used in fan fiction.
GRRM's actually the first person when I think of embargo on fanfic. Then Anne Rice, then Ursula K Le Guin.