I love sex pollen.
Fan Fiction II: Great story! Where's the sequel?
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
My favourite is angsty sex pollen where the pollened guy really doesn't want to do it, but then through his reluctance realises that the chosen partner is actually into it themselves.
Or, maybe when there's been bunches of UST and now it's going to be hella awkward.
Or, really, when there's sex pollen.
I'm with Dana.
That is a great article. So much better than the ones that came before
I would actually consider pointing people to that one.
I understand the author set up a journal where he asked people in the fanfic community for input, and he was vetted by someone with the Organization for Transformative Works.
I want good copies of this guy's maps of Westeros etc soooo bad.
In one of those minus-breadcrumbs sideslips through FoF journals, I came upon this rather lengthy essay on fandom and fic. It starts out about the western, which I know is anathema to many, but only to use the demise of the western to illustrate the possible, even probable course of fandom, and fic, in the future. I thought some might find it interesting. It's here.
A round-up of ASOIAF fan art.
Does GRRM have a stated stance on fanart?
I don't know. It does seem to be all over the place.