So there's this X-Files book club on LJ, and they're talking about my epic post-colonization series I wrote with three friends. And that's kind of validating, to see that ten years later, people are still finding value in the series.
But there's this one fact they just keep getting wrong, which is that the order in which the stories are posted on my website is not the order in which they were written or originally posted, and it makes a difference.
... but I can't bring myself to go over there and comment, because I don't want them to not speak freely. So I'm just sitting on my hands.
It's weird.
Sock puppet, or send a friend. If it were me, I'd probably go myself, but I'm not fond of the illusion that public spaces are private. Of course the subject may be looking back.
ah fandom, I am disappoint. My search for a Veronica Mars/Slings & Arrows crossover has borne no fruit. I may have to write Darren Nichols/Aaron Echolls myself.
So I wrote a story in which The Horse and His Boy ends rather differently:
Yes, very nice. Thank you for linking (and writing!) that.
Oh, thank you so much!
It was written for a blind fic challenge hosted by a Narnia forum: the community voted on a series of prompts, and then people wrote stories for the prompts, which were posted anonymously. Unfortunately, only five people actually entered the challenge, and only about ten people voted on the submissions; I think the moderators need to do better marketing if they want to repeat the experiment.
So I'm pretty pleased with the story, even though it came in dead last in the voting. *grins*
So does anybody know of any good Nine/Jack fic? I just tried a general search, and boy, kudos for the enthusiasm, and best wishes for the improvement of the writers' skill.
Y'all gotta read this awesome sneaky little Fringe story by someone you know: