I don't know where I draw the line between fix it and what if, but I do love a good what if. Much prefer it to AU -- I think part of the draw for me, especially with SPN, is the universe they're in. Translating the angels into a suburban family, for example, just doesn't work the same way for me somehow.
I like fic that explores what might have happened if Sam or Dean or John or even Mary had made a different choice, and forked the road somewhere, and I love secondary character stories and outside POV of the boys, but corporate!Dean or mechanic!Sam (or whatever) just don't interest me.
God, "Snuffleupagus" was a gut punch.
I, on the other hand, love a well done suburban family of angels.
There aren't that many.
But I will try almost every D/C HS AU out there, just in case. And sometimes, merely sometimes, I think I hit gold.
A big difference for me is that I can accept happier endings in AUs than in canon-compliant SPN fic. I like them miserable in canon. But it's kinda nice to see a different world in which they could have been happy.
Who Do You Think You're Fooling? - Anna/Ruby femmeslash (R-rated, I'd say) set during "When the Levee Breaks."
This characterisation is one of the reasons I got tired of reading Arthur/Eames. Arthur is not fey to Eames's butch. Even though Eames showed up that one time with a bigger gun, Arthur is perfectly aggro. If one of them is a magician, it's the forger. Not the point man with the guns.
Also, he's not Spock.
Cute picture, though.
I don't usually pimp my own work, but I wrote a Star Trek/Firely fusion I thought some folks might get a kick out of: [link]
A Cat May Look at a King, Kirk/McCoy, R. All Leonard wanted was a hot bath. He got a little bit more than he bargained for when he walked into Kirk's Emporium and Aquadrome looking for one.
From vaingirlfic on my lj flist:
For Charity
So, I know you've all been reading/watching about the horrific disaster in Japan. And, most likely, your flist has clued you in to these two (unrelated) fandom auctions on lj and dw if you want to bid on some awesome work and/or goodies while contributing. Even if not, I very much encourage you to check it out and boost the signal, because this whole mess is just really unfathomable.
I'm going to do something a little different here. Here's the deal, I'm going give away 15 thingies (keep reading to see said thingies described) for the first 15 people who donate $5 to the Red Cross for the Japan Earthquake and Pacific Tsunami.
The first thingie is a matching donation of $5 from me to the same Red Cross fund (so, you give $5, I give $5). Everyone gets the first thingie.
Erm, ETA: Yeah, veritykindle rightly points out that the minimum donation at the Red Cross is $10. An alternative if you only want to give $5 is Doctors Without Borders, who are deploying people in Japan.
The second thingie is one of the following of your choice:
see link
So, that's it, first 15 (if we get that high!) get thingies (this entry is crossposted at lj and dw, so it's 15 altogether in both places). Feel free to signal boost, the offer is open to people not on my flist or just browsing.
I'm posting this here because the "thingies" she's offering are ficlets, recs lists and beta readings.
Hey, Vividcon registration is now open, right? Is anyone going? Does anyone know how they are handling the dvds this year?
I have three extra copies reserved. Want one? My other 2 may be reserved but I will post here if not.
Hey, does anyone else remember that Lord King Bad Vid for LotR, which was basically a 60s/70s love song from Frodo to the Ring? I tried Google, but it has failed me.