I have just posted the first part of Career Change up at AOOO. The huge import of stories begins. Now I need to find a good clean text version of the files, because fixing the html from my website sucks balls.
Fan Fiction II: Great story! Where's the sequel?
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
Does anybody remember a Hogwarts/Quanum Leap story. I'm pretty sure it was gen. It was a wip when I read it so I'm not sure if it was ever finished. 5th year Harry, occlumency lessons.
Does anyone have ay recs for good podficcers, other than Fay. I have listened to all of hers, and nothing else is really living up At this point I would settle for something that doesn't totally throw me out of the story...
Well, I really liked the one that Circadienne did of one of my SPN stories, but so far as I know, she's only recorded the one.
I like Jinjur's work, and Cathexys pretty well, as well. Templemarker is good.
I have had one or two stories I had to stop listening to because the reader mispronounced too many (common) words, or because she spoke too fast/mumbled, but if the story's good, I can usually get past a number of minor infelicities.
I just read an otherwise nice SPN pwp where Dean "shuttered" in pleasure. It's funny what'll knock me out of a story, but with what Dean was doing at the time, protecting windows shouldn't have been his next move.
I pretty much have no mercy for mistakes like that. There's plenty of fic out there to read.
Depends on the fandom.
There are fandoms where I have to grin and bear it. Sometimes because there's just not that much out there. Sometimes because I am reading faster than people can produce and OMG, NEED A HIT.
Which is to say, wow, I've been forgiving a lot of shit for Sherlock lately.
There are fandoms where I have to grin and bear it.
Hi, Dark Angel, hi.
Eh, the rest of the story was fine. So I laughed and went on with it. Got a lovely mental image out of the mistake, though.