Depends on the fandom.
There are fandoms where I have to grin and bear it. Sometimes because there's just not that much out there. Sometimes because I am reading faster than people can produce and OMG, NEED A HIT.
Which is to say, wow, I've been forgiving a lot of shit for Sherlock lately.
Eh, the rest of the story was fine. So I laughed and went on with it. Got a lovely mental image out of the mistake, though.
The past couple days, I've been on an Iron Man kick. I have no real explanation. Something struck me, though. I've not seen any evidence of much fic from Tony's pov. I can understand that he'd be a bitch and a half to write, but, still.
Oh dear. I've been sifting through the SGA big bang fics, and one by an author I usually enjoy is really pushing the Rodney-is-a-woobie-super-genius-who's-unfairly-mistreated-by-everyone,-especially-That-Bitch-Samantha-Carter button for all it's worth. WTF?
I enjoy fandom so much more when I avoid metafandom. I mean, I want to like it, but it just makes me angry.
I got linked. Influx of comments. Not prepared to deal with people who are wrong who disagree with me.