Eh, the rest of the story was fine. So I laughed and went on with it. Got a lovely mental image out of the mistake, though.
Fan Fiction II: Great story! Where's the sequel?
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
The past couple days, I've been on an Iron Man kick. I have no real explanation. Something struck me, though. I've not seen any evidence of much fic from Tony's pov. I can understand that he'd be a bitch and a half to write, but, still.
Oh dear. I've been sifting through the SGA big bang fics, and one by an author I usually enjoy is really pushing the Rodney-is-a-woobie-super-genius-who's-unfairly-mistreated-by-everyone,-especially-That-Bitch-Samantha-Carter button for all it's worth. WTF?
AUGH metafandom.
I enjoy fandom so much more when I avoid metafandom. I mean, I want to like it, but it just makes me angry.
What's up?
I got linked. Influx of comments. Not prepared to deal with people who are wrong who disagree with me.
That took nearly a week. I am kinda shocked. I don't disagree with you, just I assumed it'd bring all the commenters to your yard sooner when I first read it. Yikes! I hope it doesn't get too wanky.
Yeah, we can't have any definition of terms that requires any responsibility on the part of authors. Any definitive thought. Authorial intent, peoples!
Which is to say, want us to respond to the Wrong People for you?