Oh. Ha, I get it. I knew what OTP meant, just not OTP-er I guess.
I like reading all pairings if they're done well. My personal favorites tend to be femslash pairings, but they don't tend to produce much in the way of great long fic from what I've been able to tell, so I maintain pairing flexibility for the format of my choice.
just not OTP-er I guess.
Er, I made it up. I don't actually have One True Pairing in that fandom, more Preferred Pairings.
My only OTP in any fandom is Clark/Lex. And, you know, I'm quite happy to read either of them with anyone else, because the thing of it is that I know that in canon they're
dabs eyes with hankie.
Bless their hot little selves.
Now that I have finished watching the first season of Veronica Mars, I might as well start with the fan fic. Who has recs?
Who has recs?
Sorry, but despite being subscribed to the fic community, I've skimmed past most of it. All of the slash pairings leave me pretty cold, as does LoVe on the whole (I like it in canon, but not in fic for some reason.)
There is no novel length fic in Veronica Mars fandom, not yet anyway. (Now, if only shaye ever finishes her noir casefile she's threatening to unleash onto the world...) I've read a few multi-part plotty stories, which left me largely unimpressed, and the rest of the fic out there are mostly of the unbearably schmoopy Logan/Veronica variety. (I refuse to type the... you know, the name. The one that makes me want to KILL KILL KILL.) It also annoys me that the fic part of the fandom is entirely LJ based, as I hate linking to stories on LJ. [/crankypants]
That said, I've read some nice short fic. Boyfriend In Coma has 4 or 5 mostly Logan-centric stories on her fic-LJ, all of which I like a lot (esp. "A Past Is A Prologue" and "Snark Never Goes Out of Fashion".) [link]
Yahtzee has a killer story about the aftermath of the finale here. [link] Brilliant concept and deeply cynical in a scarily plausible way.
Adorable Wallace vignette set post WoCD: [link]
A fab Lianne story, sharp and brittle. [link]
That's pretty much all of the next BSO update. There is also a rec community in LJ called vm_fic, which will probably help you glean out the worst of the lot, but they rec a bit too indiscriminately, I found. [link]
Shaye linked to a few more stories a while back on her LJ. Lemme see; here we go.
While I'm here, some novel-length story in other fandoms;
Rheanna (of the Angel-fic fame) posted a kick-ass Battlestar Galactica fic a couple months ago. Well-plotted, with a daring central conceit. (In fact, anything Rheanna has ever written is guaranteed to be good. Her stories are here. Mostly Angel and Stargate SG-1. My favorites are "Vivere" (OMG so friggin' brilliant) and "Splinter", and out of the Stargatey ones, "Roses for December".)
Tara LJC has a few good long Firefly stories. Not sure whether I'd call them novel-length, but they read like episodes of the show. I'm particularly fond of Lex Talionis. That Old Yeh Shen Story is quite good, too.
I don't really read Harry Potter except for this weird Snape/Hermione thing I have, which obviously is not everyone's cup of tea. But I do like this one where Snape goes blind and Hermione had to cox him out of despair and teach him how to read braille OMG! (Shuddup. It's a good story, damnit.)
Edited because I can't do links.
this one where Snape goes blind and Hermione had to cox him out of despair and teach him how to read braille OMG!
...and now I'm seeing blind Snape on the rowing team, with hardassed-yet-caring Hermione bellowing instructions at him through a wee loudspeaker thingy...
t /pedantic cow
(Sorry, but the image just made me giggle and giggle and giggle.)
D'oh! I knew I spelled that wrong, but I had a total brain-fart moment about the actual correct spellage.
Also, heee! at your image.