Delicate Sound of Thunder would be the one you're thinking of?
And whilst we're at it, Trade, by Hackthis, was absolutely one of the most delightful stories I've read in AGES. London is probably the main character. It's AU HP fic, magicless, and it's a crossover with
And Draco runs an escort agency. And it is
beyond the telling of it, even though it sounds like the most insane of crackfic.
Except if you're an OTP-er. In which case it's still wonderful, but one should be warned.
Nominate for me your favorite Harry Potter, Buffyverse, Firefly, Gilmore Girls, or Veronica Mars novel-length fic. Any pairings or no pairings. HP is my favorite of these fandoms.
Hmm. I'm terribly fond of NWHepcat's Lilac City, which is a Xander novel set 7 years after Chosen. Really excellent stuff, well-plotted. Oh, and This Little Light is a novel about a new slayer set not long after Chosen, which is really excellent as well. [link]
I haven't read any novel-length Firefly. I do recommend Salieri's Firefly stories: Utopia is shatteringly good. She also writes fabulous Stargate, primarily slash. I think Noise might be novel-length.
Tripoli's The Cost of Doing Business is a long, plotty, messy Stargate story. Very sad. Gen, sort of.
Novel-length, novel-length... Peg Robinson and Macedon's The Talking Stick/Circle stories are a Voyager series that develops into an epic novel. Spins off from canon early in season 2, so there's no Seven, no Borg, and a lot of messy internal politics. Good stuff.
Kipler's Strangers and the Strange Dead is excellent X-Files. Not quite novel-length, though. Other long XF I'd recommend: Iolokus, of course. Fialka's Arizona Highways. Nascent's Pillar of Salt and Theory and Practice. Jill Selby's Mediocrity's Allure. Most of those should be at Gossamer.
Speranza's Chicago's Most Wanted is a long DueSouth story: plotty and damned funny. Slash.
Except if you're an OTP-er.
I'm not sure what this means, in this context, for some reason.
Thanks for the recommendations, everybody! This is fun. I now have a bunch of fic on my palm for infinite free reading yay.
I'm 2/3 of the way through Tissue of Silver and enjoying it thoroughly, though I prefer the Draco/Harry interactions in Invisible to See.
OTP is One True Pairing. So I assume that if you're totally invested in just one pairing, you wouldn't like that fic.
Oh. Ha, I get it. I knew what OTP meant, just not OTP-er I guess.
I like reading all pairings if they're done well. My personal favorites tend to be femslash pairings, but they don't tend to produce much in the way of great long fic from what I've been able to tell, so I maintain pairing flexibility for the format of my choice.
just not OTP-er I guess.
Er, I made it up. I don't actually have One True Pairing in that fandom, more Preferred Pairings.
My only OTP in any fandom is Clark/Lex. And, you know, I'm quite happy to read either of them with anyone else, because the thing of it is that I know that in canon they're
dabs eyes with hankie.
Bless their hot little selves.
Now that I have finished watching the first season of Veronica Mars, I might as well start with the fan fic. Who has recs?