Fan Fiction II: Great story! Where's the sequel?
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
I can understand the writer wanting to do serial, but as a reader it really diminishes the way I read a story. I almost always wait for all the parts to be posted (if I remember to read it then, because sometimes I forget--strike that--often I forget to go back and read something posted serially), or want all the parts to be accessible at once, or, *ideally* to have the entire thing available to me in one single formatted document, ie a single html file, that I can read in one sitting and bookmark and/or read offline without being stymied for not having to save/find/log on to find all the parts.
So I guess I would say, if you're going to serialize, have a single-file doc at the end, or offer it from the beginning in a single-file doc.
So I guess I would say, if you're going to serialize, have a single-file doc at the end, or offer it from the beginning in a single-file doc.
At the very least, add a link to the next chapter at the end of each. Which? Personal ish, I know. But the easier the click-thru, the happier the me. Reading just one document is good too.
Another voice saying that I tend not to read something unless all parts are available. So I try to remember to go back later to see if everything's been posted, and I even started to keep a file for myself of stories to go back and check on, but.... I'm sure I've missed things.
Yeah, I have a sense that serialposting something over the course of, like, more than an hour, when it's not actually a WIP, comes across as comment-whoring.
Speaking of which, I've got almost all of it up now: [link] (yes, there is linky one to the next.)
(yes, there is linky one to the next.)
Bless you.
::scurries off to read::
Damn, Nutty. You're fast with revisions.
This mean you're done revising? (If so, I shall cease with the more thorough comments on half the second.)
Uh... yeah. I mean, I might rewrite till the end of days, so feel free to send what you've done, but. Next week is all shot, including the weekend, and I just needed to get it out of my brain. Sorry!
(Did I leave the house this weekend? No!)
Eh, most of what I'd thought needed work was in the first third. After that, it got a lot more solid, so anything I'd be suggesting would be me picking at nits that other people've already had at.
(Did I leave my house this weekend? Hell yes! In fact, the stuff I sent to you yesterday was pretty much all I did at home all weekend. I partied. It was good. And I kept wanting to reference your story, but then I remembered that Lee and Cass couldn't have read it yet, on account of it not being live yet, which is a good sign that it worked, even in raw form.)
And I kept wanting to reference your story, but then I remembered that Lee and Cass couldn't have read it yet, on account of it not being live yet, which is a good sign that it worked, even in raw form.
I'll second this, because the stuff we were talking about? Goooood.
Drat, wish this had already been live to chat about as well.
(Still reading. Going back now.)
I shall note that it appears that my remaining nits were, in fact, picked.
3/4 through, and we appear to be essentially nitless.