Eh, most of what I'd thought needed work was in the first third. After that, it got a lot more solid, so anything I'd be suggesting would be me picking at nits that other people've already had at.
(Did I leave my house this weekend? Hell yes! In fact, the stuff I sent to you yesterday was pretty much all I did at home all weekend. I partied. It was good. And I kept wanting to reference your story, but then I remembered that Lee and Cass couldn't have read it yet, on account of it not being live yet, which is a good sign that it worked, even in raw form.)
And I kept wanting to reference your story, but then I remembered that Lee and Cass couldn't have read it yet, on account of it not being live yet, which is a good sign that it worked, even in raw form.
I'll second this, because the stuff we were talking about? Goooood.
Drat, wish this had already been live to chat about as well.
(Still reading. Going back now.)
I shall note that it appears that my remaining nits were, in fact, picked.
3/4 through, and we appear to be essentially nitless.
Really, it's marvelous and I am not The Author.
t reminds self that beta is an Advisory role, not Management
Looking forward to sitting down and reading this, Nutty.
Nutty, I just spent all morning reading
Six of One
and am just ... wow.
need to watch S2 very fast so I can stop avoiding spoiled!fic
I am reading, and my brow is furrowed in concern, much like Sam's. But I keep having to go DO things. Why is real life interfering with my fic-reading, why?
Nutty, that was awesome! Thank you for writing that and for posting the link here. Whoot! I'm saving that bookmark so I can go back for random ::flail:: as need be.
I'm still reading. About to finish up part 3 so I can move to the sofa with the laptop and finish up. People have finally stopped talking to me so I can read!