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Fan Fiction II: Great story! Where's the sequel?
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
DUDE! DUDE!!!!!!!!!
Crack. List. [link]
Ahem. I have died and gone to bad for me heaven.
You're going to read all of those and then link us to the good/bad stuff, right?
No, I'm going to read ALL of those, and then maybe share which ones I liked when you and Cass are up here. Because it's not shame if you're sharing in person. Or something.
Either that or I'm not going to find anything that hits my kinks, and I'm going to have to get a bigger drawer...
No, I'm going to read ALL of those, and then maybe share which ones I liked when you and Cass are up here. Because it's not shame if you're sharing in person. Or something.
I like that plan too.
Plei, I made the grave error of clicking on that link, and discovered the 'Drunk Sam writes to Stephen King" drabbles. I haven't stopped snickering.
I love that one, Jilli.
They're kinda like reading the rants about the show itself I make Plei suffer through. Which is probably why I find them so damn funny.
They're seriously funny.
I can't decide which one I like best. Because Sammy snarking about getting your Algonquin tribes straight vs. Dean sacrificing a lot of virgins to his car (snerk)? There is no lose there, just win.
But are your rants handwritten? I think not.
It's all about the levels.