Plei, I made the grave error of clicking on that link, and discovered the 'Drunk Sam writes to Stephen King" drabbles. I haven't stopped snickering.
Fan Fiction II: Great story! Where's the sequel?
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
I love that one, Jilli.
They're kinda like reading the rants about the show itself I make Plei suffer through. Which is probably why I find them so damn funny.
They're seriously funny.
I can't decide which one I like best. Because Sammy snarking about getting your Algonquin tribes straight vs. Dean sacrificing a lot of virgins to his car (snerk)? There is no lose there, just win.
But are your rants handwritten? I think not.
It's all about the levels.
But are your rants handwritten? I think not.
No, but there is handwaving. Does that count?
The handwaving is pretty cute, I must say.
This one always cracks me up and then sucker punches me: [link]
Man, I love those boys.
Only if there are pictures.
This one always cracks me up and then sucker punches me: [link]
Awww, man.
The Stephen King ficlets are hi-larious.