There's a chemical in rentboy!fic that makes you crave it fortnightly?
Fan Fiction II: Great story! Where's the sequel?
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
Plei, you might try this one: [link] It's on Esorlechar's recs page. Rentboy stories usually feel off to me, and I usually don't finish them, but this one grabbed me enough that I did.
Would it be rude of me to post two fics over in the Buffista fic thread in the space of one day?
Not at all.
rubs hands together evilly
Plei, you might try this one: [link] It's on Esorlechar's recs page. Rentboy stories usually feel off to me, and I usually don't finish them, but this one grabbed me enough that I did.
Judging by the link color, I've already read it. Umm. It might be the chemical that's making me crave it fortnightly. And... yep. That it is, that it is. I clicked because the title is taken from a Depeche Mode song. From a Depeche Mode song I listen to when writing out things that come fairly close to rentboy/hookerfic, as it so happens. Even though the only hookerfic I've ever actually written was that Frank Miller/Alan Moore genderswap comment fic I wrote a few months back when I was cranky.
There's a chemical in rentboy!fic that makes you crave it fortnightly?
THERE IS!!! Honest! I can make it mathy! I think the formula is something like desperation + (youth - skills) * willingness to sacrifice anything for family = button pushing.
I'm not proud.
Ah. Then I'm out of ideas.
I like your mathyness though.
I'm going to have to display my shameful desires publicly, aren't I?
Man, I wish there was a way to search for fic by fannish subgenre like that. (I mean, outside of the searches at various archives.)
So, err... anyone have any recs?
Are you familiar with Shusu on livejournal? She has an extensive SGA AU with rentboys as the theme.
Gracias! That'll do in a pinch!