So she's 1) a gazillionaire with a time machine, 2) a lying liar that lies, or 3) really, really deluded. I'm leaning toward 3).
The stubble-mouth paused and a barely visible disdained leer smirked at the eminent attrition, and obviously fascinated a Cable network virgin such as I.
Eminent attrition? What the hell does it even MEAN? Maybe I don't get it because I'm a dirty, soiled Cable network slut.
Eminent attrition? What the hell does it even MEAN?
I got nothing. I also have no idea what she means by "gendre". I suspect it's possibly "genre", since it's not ringing any of my French vocab bells, but I would love to be corrected.
"Gendre" in French apparently means son-in-law. [link] That... doesn't really work in the context. But neither do many other words in that post, so perhaps I shouldn't be too hasty in dismissing it.
gendarme? No, that's not really right either.
She claims to speak French, you know.
Now there's fan poetry (from a different author):
We loved the suspense, the drama, the anguish.
Michael in mission gear was just so delish.
When he ran his heels clipped his buttocks,
And our hearts missed a beat at the length of his locks.
I almost feel moved to compose at this time an ode in honour of LFN ficcers.
We mocked at her style, her grammar, her vocab.,
Her descriptions of Micheal who's just so damn fab,
Though we laughed 'til it pained us we could not but read,
And I can't speak for you but once I fell off my seat.
But I shushed my racing mind, I needed to pay attention, to listen to the sleek minimalist dialogue being exchanged with such entrancing perfection
Wow. She really never disappoints, does she? I love the way she tries to emulate said sleek minimalist dialogue with her crisp, clean, unfussy prose.
"Good morning." This two-word greeting said oh so much and yet at the same time arose so many questions in me.
Please tell me she's really a team of fans
to write bad. That way I'll be able to sleep soundly at night.