t dies laughing
'Out Of Gas'
Fan Fiction II: Great story! Where's the sequel?
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
I almost feel moved to compose at this time an ode in honour of LFN ficcers.
We mocked at her style, her grammar, her vocab.,
Her descriptions of Micheal who's just so damn fab,
Though we laughed 'til it pained us we could not but read,
And I can't speak for you but once I fell off my seat.
But I shushed my racing mind, I needed to pay attention, to listen to the sleek minimalist dialogue being exchanged with such entrancing perfection
Wow. She really never disappoints, does she? I love the way she tries to emulate said sleek minimalist dialogue with her crisp, clean, unfussy prose.
"Good morning." This two-word greeting said oh so much and yet at the same time arose so many questions in me.
Please tell me she's really a team of fans trying to write bad. That way I'll be able to sleep soundly at night.
I tried to tell myself that about Laurel K. Hamilton, but it didn't work.
When he ran his heels clipped his buttocks,
This image just makes me laugh so hard...
Dana, you nearly killed me with that link. I have a chest cold and laughing leads to coughing till I choke.
It was worth it.
she's 1) a gazillionaire with a time machine, 2) a lying liar that lies, or 3) really, really deluded. I'm leaning toward 3)
She also claims to have a Miami beach-front condo, so I'm thinking 2.
Woah. Just had a thought. Smacked me in the face.
Please, someone tell me I'm cracked. Or, you know, not.
For those who would be interested: Vanzetti just updated her ongoing Firefly/Supernatural crossover.
Blessings Against the Thunder. John Winchester/Zoe Washburne, plotty and interesting, links to all previous parts in the headers.
For a taste: It all goes better than it might have done, Dean figures. Better than looked likely at first, Dad marching up the ramp trailing him and Sam like baggage and the captain of Serenity not looking all that friendly and even a man up on the gangway with a rifle. And this Mal Reynolds doesn't seem to know how lucky he is to have John Winchester come and explain what he has in mind 'stead of just turning up on another man's ship and shouting orders.
I just got a very nice email from someone who enjoys my stories from The Equalizer--written nearly ten years ago now, some of them, gosh. Boy, it's nice to get validation for old work. Now if I could just get that independent wealth thing going, I could finish the series I was doing in that world.