If I had time, I'd consider pinch-hitting, but at the moment I don't think I do.
'Smile Time'
Fan Fiction II: Great story! Where's the sequel?
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
and dwonga is done. that's it. no mas. thank god.
According to the yuletide LJ, the story count got reset due to a freaky database glitch.
Yep. Whatever the current count says on the Yuletide page, add 431, and that's the real total.
Also, dude, in addition to my own Yuletide story, I wrote for another ficathon, and so far I have beta read for five people.
ETA: By which I mean, yeah, I'm insane and I do feel kind of like a slacker.
t still watching pinch hit list like a hawk
I, uhhm, beta'ed one, but I knew I'd flake on writing an actual story in time. Looking forward to the big reveal for everyone else's, though!
I just did Yuletide this year, but I held SA's hand and Bip Bip Bipped her through Yuletide and DWNOGA this afternoon. Girl was writing like a mad thing! It was awesome!
Oh my god, look at all those pinch hits. I need to, uh, pick one of the twenty I could do and see if I get it.
Oh lord. Funniest fanficrants post ever:
Wild Turkey is whiskey. As such, it is absolutely inappropriate as anal lube.
I just inhaled water into my lungs.
I mean, sometimes I think it's hilarious when people write about booze when it's incredibly obvious they've never had it, and people like to poke fun at the kids writing sex when they've never had it, but booze up the ass is a new one on me.
Man, I want to know what fandom that was in, and where I can find the story. I need the context for the full-on WTF.