How tragic. He just regained his eyesight, only to have it snatched away again by the sparkly hair.
Fan Fiction II: Great story! Where's the sequel?
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after just recently gaining his eyesight.
Well, I guess that explains why checking out the ladies is "out of character." Shame he went blind again so fast, though. Ah, cruel fate.
Shame he went blind again so fast, though. Ah, cruel fate.
At least his lap is newly awake!
Is it possible to cite someone for practicing English without a license?
Have you guys been noticing the parallels between the brothers on Prison Break and the Winchester boys?
Both feature a 4 year age difference between the brothers and an older brother who's living kind of edgy/unconventionally and a younger brother with the more conventional successful life and who's life is turned upside down by events relating to family.
Would there be PB/SPN x-overs out there?
an older brother who's living kind of edgy/unconventionally
Well, there is credit card fraud and then there is life-o-crime. (Also, Dean is cuter.) Also also, I'd posit that Dean plays the role of the family-oriented guy, whereas it's the younger brother on Prison Break who is "All for you! I do it all for you!!"
a younger brother with the more conventional successful life and who's life is turned upside down by events relating to family.
I will laff and laff if Sam has a full-torso tattoo.
I will laff and laff if Sam has a full-torso tattoo.
As long as we get many a chance to find out, I promise to be a very good girl.
Reposted in a more correct thread:
Sure - maybe part of the demon powers. . ..
Older brother has the whole - stumbled into mass conspiracy thing in one show vs. younger brother with strange demonic destiny in the other show.
I wonder what is worse, to be picked out as a victim of a powerful conspiracy to defraud, debauch, and other wise do evil to the American people*, or to be picked out as His Very Own by a hellbeast with glowy orange eyes?
(* I have no idea what the conspiracy on Prison Break actually is, and that's okay because I'm not sure the writers do either.)
I don't know that I buy the Michael is more family-oriented than Linc, especially given their different orientations to LJ.