Well, I know of at least one YA werewolf novel being written by an author I quite like, though, sadly, there is no book deal. She's writing a zombie novel, too. That one may be for adults, I'm not sure.
Old people werewolf novels, though, are right out.
I'm looking for recs for Veronica Mars fic of any type, but they can't have anything that happens after episode 15 of Season 1 (that's as far as I've gotten).
This story isn't House/Wilson, but it's still funnier than heck. It's a crossover with Angel of all things. House tries to diagnose vampirism.
Enigmatic Absurdities.
Yahtzee just got a book deal for a YA vampire romance novel! Four of them, actually!
writing the Old People's Werewolf novels, damn it! Or, well, okay, no. But now you're tempting me to stick in more old people.)
Askye, I can't give any recs, but go to the vm_navigator lj. They regularly link to fic, vids, interviews, etc. And most fic is labeled with ep #, so you can tell what's safe. It'll also help you find authors and fic communities. Happy reading.
Wait, Nikita isn't sailing about with her friends anymore? Will NO ONE think of the blind children?
Instead of Michael lying half-naked in her bed, why doesn't she dress him in a nice warm pair of flannel pajamas and put a hot water bottle on his feet?
as they sailed smoothly in still waters
Generally speaking, when the waters are still it is because there is no wind. Which, tends to make it hard to sail.