A Supernatural story for anyone who has ever had anything to do with small children.
Needless to say, I laughed my socks off. Favourite bit?
Little Bo Peep has lost her sheep, and doesn’t know where to find –
I don’t think so, Dean. No, they just got lost. A chupacabra didn’t eat them.
I want House/Wilson fic. In character House/Wilson fic, because a schmoopy House is wrong like a wrong thing.
And I want to see Wilson's reaction to House getting shot.
I want some brave ficcer to write Wilson's Three Stories as well, but to my knowledge, nobody has.
Erika, I know! I've watched 3S something like a half-dozen times, and, with the unreliable narrator and no friggin mention of Jimmy, just begging for it
Haven't got my fic mojo at the moment, or I'd take a stab. Only to get Jossed, or Shored, or whatever, but I'd try.
That one, I think you're ok on. Anything gsw related, yeah, not likely to be what they actually do.
Yahtzee just got a book deal for a YA vampire romance novel! Four of them, actually!
OMG! That is too excellent! Give details when known!
Wait, now everybody is writing YA vampire romance novels!
I mean, we all have practice I know, but who will be writing the old people's werewolf mystery novels? I ask you.
(Congratulations to Yahtzee anyway.)
Well, I know of at least one YA werewolf novel being written by an author I quite like, though, sadly, there is no book deal. She's writing a zombie novel, too. That one may be for adults, I'm not sure.
Old people werewolf novels, though, are right out.