I want House/Wilson fic. In character House/Wilson fic, because a schmoopy House is wrong like a wrong thing.
And I want to see Wilson's reaction to House getting shot.
'Dirty Girls'
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
I want House/Wilson fic. In character House/Wilson fic, because a schmoopy House is wrong like a wrong thing.
And I want to see Wilson's reaction to House getting shot.
I want some brave ficcer to write Wilson's Three Stories as well, but to my knowledge, nobody has.
Erika, I know! I've watched 3S something like a half-dozen times, and, with the unreliable narrator and no friggin mention of Jimmy, just begging for it
Haven't got my fic mojo at the moment, or I'd take a stab. Only to get Jossed, or Shored, or whatever, but I'd try.
That one, I think you're ok on. Anything gsw related, yeah, not likely to be what they actually do.
Yahtzee just got a book deal for a YA vampire romance novel! Four of them, actually!
OMG! That is too excellent! Give details when known!
Wait, now everybody is writing YA vampire romance novels!
I mean, we all have practice I know, but who will be writing the old people's werewolf mystery novels? I ask you.
(Congratulations to Yahtzee anyway.)
Well, I know of at least one YA werewolf novel being written by an author I quite like, though, sadly, there is no book deal. She's writing a zombie novel, too. That one may be for adults, I'm not sure.
Old people werewolf novels, though, are right out.
I'm looking for recs for Veronica Mars fic of any type, but they can't have anything that happens after episode 15 of Season 1 (that's as far as I've gotten).