Should any of you have seen the very pretty movie Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow, might I take the liberty of recommending this most splendid and wonderfully plotty slash novel Fog on the Clyde?
Fan Fiction II: Great story! Where's the sequel?
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
t blink
The first commenter is shezan. How is she suddenly everywhere?
I think I actually happened across it via Shezan, actually, so that's why. Or else she's suddenly gained the superpower of Ubiquity. One or the other.
cool. something good came out of that film other than pretty stills.
A Supernatural story for anyone who has ever had anything to do with small children.
Needless to say, I laughed my socks off. Favourite bit?
Little Bo Peep has lost her sheep, and doesn’t know where to find –
I don’t think so, Dean. No, they just got lost. A chupacabra didn’t eat them.
I want House/Wilson fic. In character House/Wilson fic, because a schmoopy House is wrong like a wrong thing.
And I want to see Wilson's reaction to House getting shot.
I want some brave ficcer to write Wilson's Three Stories as well, but to my knowledge, nobody has.
Erika, I know! I've watched 3S something like a half-dozen times, and, with the unreliable narrator and no friggin mention of Jimmy, just begging for it
Haven't got my fic mojo at the moment, or I'd take a stab. Only to get Jossed, or Shored, or whatever, but I'd try.
That one, I think you're ok on. Anything gsw related, yeah, not likely to be what they actually do.