...and this just makes me want to ask for links to SGA crackfic. Because the gay penguins, and the Harlequin challenge, they were FABULOUS.
Fan Fiction II: Great story! Where's the sequel?
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
Man, there is so much crackfic. It's one of the best things about this fandom. Much like due South's "at this juncture" and popslash's just general craziness, SGA has made a place in my heart for its insanity.
So, I desperately want to show Fay the Stargate vid to Prince's "Get Off" (or possibly "Gett Off") but left the external HD at home and can't remember where I got it. Anyone know where it can be found?
Sorry, Emily, I don't know that one.
Hmm. I should bring my laptop to the hotel, shouldn't I? Because everyone needs to see Cartoon Heroes.
Emily, if you find it, please post the link. It's the one where they show Daniel during the "Now move your big ass round this way /So I can work on that zipper, baby" lyric, right?
That's the one. I've got it at home, but my Google-fu has failed me!
I posted to your LJ, Emily.
You're the best fandom memorizer ever!
It's kind of horrifying, really.
I guess this could be called fic. Pic-fic, if you like. The Guys of the CW, RPS, as performed by gummi bears: [link]
Er, I suppose you could consider it adult. Work safety would depend on your workplace's policy on gummi bear full-frontal.