That's the one. I've got it at home, but my Google-fu has failed me!
Fan Fiction II: Great story! Where's the sequel?
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
I posted to your LJ, Emily.
You're the best fandom memorizer ever!
It's kind of horrifying, really.
I guess this could be called fic. Pic-fic, if you like. The Guys of the CW, RPS, as performed by gummi bears: [link]
Er, I suppose you could consider it adult. Work safety would depend on your workplace's policy on gummi bear full-frontal.
What's Emily's livejournal? I'm horrible with usernames.
The link is this.
Yay! Will scurry over and watch - thank you!
I had so much fun with vid-watching this F2F. And Nutty GAVE ME VIDS!!!! Which was just unspeakably lovely of her, and I have No Words for how fabulous she is. NO words! Just huge stonking fangirlish grattitude. Love love love.
Nutty gave you vids? Go Nutty! Which did she give you?
I should probably come up with a post with links to vids that people liked (or would like)... Hmmm.
I'm such a vid pimp. Half the fun of the Scooby Road viewing was watching people's faces.
It was really neat reading Laura's post about showing the vids.