That's the furry octopus writer, right?
Fan Fiction II: Great story! Where's the sequel?
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
He doesn't sing all *that* well. Still, he's adorable.
Speaking of singing, David Tennant has a very nice singing voice. (It shows up in rehearsal footage in "Doctor Who Confidential"; he roughs it up for the actual scene, since the Doctor is singing drunk.) I don't think that's spoily without an ep designation; overrule me at will.
Not quite Larry Stuish, it's true, Dana. Not awful, though, considering it's not his usual gig. Might put off the search for the telepathic corgi.
Vee posted a fantastic long plotty SGA gen story, with plot and adventure and near-death experiences and lots of heroism. It starts here.
Um, so a story of Em Brunson's made the long list of Tiptree honorees.
A WiP, slashfic, non-con mpreg.
Um, is it a good WiP, slashfic, non-con mpreg?
Dunno. I read the first section but Snape really doesn't do it for me, so.
Elizabeth Bear wondered if it were a protest nomination, because the infamous Venom Cock book was also nominated.
Not in the opinion of most of the people who are talking about it. I think it was written for a very specific audience, and that a lot of the SGA crackfic I'm currently wallowing in wouldn't stand up to this kind of harsh light either.