On the header for an Atlantis fic:
Pairing: Spanky with a side of Sparky
Rating: K+
...wtf? Portmanteaus, whilst inelegant, are readily decodable, for the most part. Is this like that whole HMS Pumpkin Pie thing in HP fandom? Or...or
Unless it's a crossover with Our Gang (which in this fandom is NOT out of the question), I'd assume they mislabeled a content description referring to actual spanking/bondage play with a bit of romantic interplay dialogue thrown in.
Not sure how that would work with a K+ rating, though...
Spanky I know nothing about. Sparky is Elizabeth/John; my understanding of how it came about is that Nos joked on a J/E mailing list that the portmanteaus were all so lousy they might as well call it Sparky, and then people, um, did.
Yes, it's stupid.
...they didnt like Jizz as a portmanteau? What's
with them?
Martha Wilson has posted the final part of Recovery, her sequel to Retrograde. Links to the earlier parts are in the post:
Harry Potter and the Eagle of Truthiness.
The title says it all.
"Put your wands away and close those spellbooks, and get ready to be Sorted into the House of Truth!"
...er, is this a crossover?
Yes, it is. I suppose the Colbert phenomenon might not have made it to Egypt yet.
It's a spin-off of the Daily Show, basically, with Stephen Colbert (Comedy Central site: [link] ). Like the Daily Show, except, er, always in serious-pompous-news-anchor character. The source of "truthiness".