See, Betsy, I will answer to my LJ name immediately. Whereas if someone calls me Consuela or Suela in public I have to stop and think about it. But I've been called my fic pseud since I was 8.
Fan Fiction II: Great story! Where's the sequel?
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Well, who among us calls shrift by her birth name?
...Shrift isn't Shrift?
See, I can just about wrap my head around Meara not being Meara, but I think this is a step too far.
...'course, my given name isn't Fay, so there may be a pot kettle black thing going on here.
Names are weird things, aren't they?
meara and Trudy I tend to kind of think their board and real names in tandem, and have to pause and pick one when I actually am addressing them in person.
Madrigal's another one where I just could never wrap my head around her real name. But she hates it anyway, so I guess that's okay.
You're still 'Suela to me, but I guess I can adjust.
Anne's lj pseud always throws me off because it's so close to someome else's board pseud and I have to remind myself who's who.
You know, only in SGA fandom would this author's note:
Notes: In case you're wondering: I don't drink. Neither am I on medication.
be a good sign.
I think I've even forgotten Madrigal's real world name, though I'm sure I knew it at one point.
So very glad that I used my actual name when first establishing my online identity at the Bronze, as that turned out to be the keystone most of my other internet pursuits have been built on since. I've used some variation of it essentially everywhere else I've created a subsequent online identity.
I ran across a 'bruinsfan' on -- IIRC, the TiVo board -- and had to check his profile to make sure it wasn't you, Matt.
It makes me grin a lot that 'jcjoeyfreak' has now discovered Hugh Dillon and the HDRC in a big way. It's sort of like popslash for grownups.
Nope, still tivo-less here for the foreseeable future.
I will always think Fay is Fay, Nutty is Nutty and Shrift is Shrift even if I learn their other names. I'm no fun on in that department cause this is the name my mother picked. On lj I picked a name that used to only be known to family and the most intimate of's unusual, but I won't forget it's me or anything and it won't haunt me the way Bayliss_Bitch might have done.
Do I want to sign up for a Remix pinch hit? Help me decide.
my given name isn't Fay, so there may be a pot kettle black thing going on here.
Whenever I see a picture of you, no other name could describe you. In my mind, it's never just Fay, either, it's FAY!, with a touch of glitter and an outline of blinking neon light. You deserve your own Broadway marquee just for being you.