For lists of links and the like, as well as fic, try taraljc and elke_tanzer on LJ.
'Beneath You'
Fan Fiction II: Great story! Where's the sequel?
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
And why is Polyamorous falling down on the job? *taptaptap*
I suppose it's that real life thing again.
Both halves of Polyamorous have not actually seen the show, which tends to interfere with reccing. Now that it's airing on Sci-Fi, I suspect that the next update, or the one after, will contain some Dr. Who.
Betsy, I've seen the LJer icebluenothing recced a lot.
I suspect his stuff is well-written gen, with better grounding in the Whoverse than all those Doctor-Come-Latelys have, because I know him to be a long-time fan of the show, and what I've heard of his writing (a reading he did of some original fiction), I liked.
For full disclosure, he's someone Jilli and I both know. (Heck, he's her former webmaster.)
Both halves of Polyamorous have not actually seen the show, which tends to interfere with reccing.
Oh, just make it up.
Hey, I recommend SGA fic without watching the show...
I've done it a few times. I guess the difference is that I always knew I would watch Dr. Who at some point, so I avoided spoilers, including fic.
Yeah, keep it up, and maybe we'll do an April Fool's update.
I know just who to recommend for the SN section of our April Fool's update...
It really would be too cruel. And too much work. But damn, it'd be funny.