Betsy, I've seen the LJer icebluenothing recced a lot.
I suspect his stuff is well-written gen, with better grounding in the Whoverse than all those Doctor-Come-Latelys have, because I know him to be a long-time fan of the show, and what I've heard of his writing (a reading he did of some original fiction), I liked.
For full disclosure, he's someone Jilli and I both know. (Heck, he's her former webmaster.)
Hey, I recommend SGA fic without watching the show...
I've done it a few times. I guess the difference is that I always knew I would watch Dr. Who at some point, so I avoided spoilers, including fic.
Yeah, keep it up, and maybe we'll do an April Fool's update.
I know just who to recommend for the SN section of our April Fool's update...
It really would be too cruel. And too much work. But damn, it'd be funny.
seen the LJer icebluenothing recced a lot.
Seconding this. I've read about twelve DW stories, but several were by him, and they were excellent. Also seconding the Taraljc rec. Red, who posts on LJ as themonkeycabal, also has some fun stuff.
Seconding this. I've read about twelve DW stories, but several were by him, and they were excellent.
Oh, cool. You're an unbiased source, so I'm glad to hear it.
Yeah, keep it up, and maybe we'll do an April Fool's update.
If you do, remind me to dig up that SG-1 fic that had Colonel Carter pursuing revenge on Dr. McKay like a vindictive HS cheerleader.