Didn't Laurence Harvey and Angela Landsbury have something like, I don't know, only 2 year difference in age when they played son & mother in The Manchurian Candidate? Surely that's some kind of a record.
What's the difference in age between Colin Farrell and Angelina Jolie? (Who played his mother in that Alexander flick.)
I say we give our kudos to the makeup crew of LiW, as Peter O'Toole still looked pretty dang nummy in My Favorite Year, which was made in what, 1980?
Someone just recced the X-Files Magician AU on crack_van. That is the series I'm thinking of, isn't it?
Man, I remember that story. I read the first book of that--there were many books, at least three or four-- because many people were raving about the series, then gave up. So-so writing, too much crack for my palate.
From the crack_van rec:
Have you ever had the desire to see Mulder as a Mage? Wanted a good fic where Scully is Healer with magical powers?
Unfortunately, no.
I forget how far I got into the series, but I think it was quite a bit. And I think it was off a rec from Chronicle X.
Have you ever wanted a slap in the belly with a wet halibut?
Um, no?
Although how funny was it that my friendslist gained a new community dedicated to codswalloping ninny heroes in fiction this week? Very funny.
And I think it was off a rec from Chronicle X.
Yeah. ChronX always recced the really good stuff (if it was MSR), but a fair amount of not-so-much also got through.
I hadn't realized you meant the Magician series, Nutty. I skimmed a chunk of it, back in the day, but I've read enough mediocre fantasy novels in my time; I really didn't need another one.
I didn't mean the Magician series, when we were discussing the "Help! Help! I'm being attacked by the author's id!" story-series upthread.
(Actually, I've never read the Magician series, because, it just doesn't sound bad enough to make it past my oh-come-on-o-meter. I'll read silly nonsense if it's bad silly nonsense.)
The series we were , um, guarding ourselves against was called "Life from the Ashes," IIRC. Where is Encyclopedia Snacky when I need her?!
"Life from the Ashes," IIRC.
Yup, that was it. I don't think I've encountered the Magician series.