I've only seen fic by one person, and she's not a he.
Fan Fiction II: Great story! Where's the sequel?
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
Pru has written a House fic. Go forth, read, and laugh.
I think I saw some links to BBM fic on Destina's LJ, but again with the written-by-slashers and therefore probably women.
Pru has written a House fic. Go forth, read, and laugh.
When somebody says something like this, is it understood where this fic is? Not that I particularly want to read this specific story but it seems like there may be some secret storehouse and if you know you know and if you don't um... you have to ask. I'm just curious. I don't read a ton of fic but sometimes I get a hankering and I wonder how everybody knows how to find things.
Most of this is going on on LJ, lisah. So, for instance, Pru's LJ is rageprufrock, and if you were to go there, you'd find a link to her new House fic.
I'm so used to people knowing that Shalott, for instance, is "astolat" on LJ, that I don't bother mentioning it anymore. But that is a little rude of me.
Oh my god, my face hurts from laughing so hard.
One Crazy Weekend, an SGA/SG-1 80s AU: [link] From the woman who brought you the furry octopus.
So completely crack-addled. Radek was diabolical; Rodney knew this. It was, in fact, the main reason they were friends. Many people took in Radek’s accent and owlish eyes and messy hair and grossly underestimated the danger he presented. Those people didn’t last long in AP Physics. And, apparently, third period gym.
thanks, Consuela!
You know you've read waaaaaay too much Highlander fic when you read
"As a baron stood on his neck, [Thomas à] Becket's skull was sliced by a heavy blow, and with a sword's point his blood and brains were scattered on the floor." and you absently wonder who got the Quickening.
Oh, dear, Betsy.
Well, did it say?