Oh, dear, Betsy.
Fan Fiction II: Great story! Where's the sequel?
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
Well, did it say?
I vote for Henry.
Henry wasn't within range.
That's what you think. (Which Henry was it, anyway? Henry II? I can't remember. So much for my "Chaucer's England" class a year ago.)
Henry the ~~handwave. The one who was married to Eleanor of Aquitaine. Who had a *lot* of children and died of natural causes, so not so much with the Immortality.
Also, I have decided that the real reason Immortals are infertile is that otherwise Duncan would be the father of half Europe by now.
Henry II. Which I only know because of The Lion in Winter.
Now I'm imagining Peter O'Toole in Highlander, but the Henry in my imagination has mysteriously aged back to O'Toole circa Lawrence, with golden hair and flashing baby blues.
You know what is really weird? O'Toole in Lawrence is only 7 years younger than O'Toole in Lion. And the latter is probably only about 7 years older than his "son", Anthony Hopkins.
That is acting!
Wow. 7 years only? But he looks so dashing in Lawrence and so grizzly in The Lion in Winter! Dayum. Good job. Or maybe I should also congratulate the makeup people.
Didn't Laurence Harvey and Angela Landsbury have something like, I don't know, only 2 year difference in age when they played son & mother in The Manchurian Candidate? Surely that's some kind of a record.