Zoe's too laid back to even get involved.
I think it could happen if Aeryn did something Zoe perceived as threatening her crew.
As to why Aeryn would do something like that, well, there I'm coming up blank.
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
Zoe's too laid back to even get involved.
I think it could happen if Aeryn did something Zoe perceived as threatening her crew.
As to why Aeryn would do something like that, well, there I'm coming up blank.
I think Zoe's too laid back to even get involved. She's not a badass, exactly.
That's what I think.
I like the idea of Aeryn and Zoe sitting down with a beer and comparing notes on crazy men.
Is now the time to pimp Thea's as-yet-unfinished Citrine? It's a fabulous Farscape-Firefly crossover, set after the end of both series. At least, I think it's unfinished...
If the crack!fic for my birthday ever gets done, it'll be a fun Farscape/SG-1 crossover, circa Season 9, so Aeryn gets to meet Cameron Mitchell and Vala Mal Doran. Heeee!
Is now the time to pimp Thea's as-yet-unfinished Citrine? It's a fabulous Farscape-Firefly crossover, set after the end of both series!
NO because I've only seen through season 2 of Farscape. oh well
Watch faster.
So, y'all read Rageprufrock's Bell Curve, or: Ladies' Night at the Boom Boom Room, right? That's the AU SGA McKay/Sheppard where John is Rodney's TA at CalTech? (Hysterically funny, omg brilliant.)
Well, she just posted a shortish sequel, called Learning Curve. I suspect, from looking at her LJ, she may be posting stories every day from now to Valentine's Day...
Ooh, yay. I think I might have to go back and start that one from the beginning.
Watch faster.
haha. I KNOW! But I'm trying to use Farscape as a reward for actually getting stuff done. Like, I can't buy season 3 until I finish doing my taxes.
Thanks Consuela, that's just the thing to wash the taste of the latest SGA Flashfiction entry out of my mouth. (The author writes a sequel to "Trinity" in which it's revealed that it wasn't poor woobie Rodney's fault that a planet blew up after all... and Weir and Zelenka apologize... and Rodney finally gets the respect he deserves... and I had to stop reading before the Mary Sue showed up to marry him and live happily ever after. )