Is now the time to pimp Thea's as-yet-unfinished Citrine? It's a fabulous Farscape-Firefly crossover, set after the end of both series. At least, I think it's unfinished...
If the crack!fic for my birthday ever gets done, it'll be a fun Farscape/SG-1 crossover, circa Season 9, so Aeryn gets to meet Cameron Mitchell and Vala Mal Doran. Heeee!
Is now the time to pimp Thea's as-yet-unfinished Citrine? It's a fabulous Farscape-Firefly crossover, set after the end of both series!
NO because I've only seen through season 2 of Farscape. oh well
So, y'all read Rageprufrock's Bell Curve, or: Ladies' Night at the Boom Boom Room, right? That's the AU SGA McKay/Sheppard where John is Rodney's TA at CalTech? (Hysterically funny, omg brilliant.)
Well, she just posted a shortish sequel, called Learning Curve. I suspect, from looking at her LJ, she may be posting stories every day from now to Valentine's Day...
Ooh, yay. I think I might have to go back and start that one from the beginning.
Watch faster.
haha. I KNOW! But I'm trying to use Farscape as a reward for actually getting stuff done. Like, I can't buy season 3 until I finish doing my taxes.
Thanks Consuela, that's just the thing to wash the taste of the latest SGA Flashfiction entry out of my mouth. (The author writes a sequel to "Trinity" in which
it's revealed that it wasn't poor woobie Rodney's fault that a planet blew up after all... and Weir and Zelenka apologize... and Rodney finally gets the respect he deserves... and I had to stop reading before the Mary Sue showed up to marry him and live happily ever after.
Ooh, good thing
I held off on that one.
She really, really is. And a good egg, too.
And Oh, Dear, Matt. Thanks for the warning. ::sigh::