Ooh, yay. I think I might have to go back and start that one from the beginning.
'Objects In Space'
Fan Fiction II: Great story! Where's the sequel?
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
Watch faster.
haha. I KNOW! But I'm trying to use Farscape as a reward for actually getting stuff done. Like, I can't buy season 3 until I finish doing my taxes.
Thanks Consuela, that's just the thing to wash the taste of the latest SGA Flashfiction entry out of my mouth. (The author writes a sequel to "Trinity" in which it's revealed that it wasn't poor woobie Rodney's fault that a planet blew up after all... and Weir and Zelenka apologize... and Rodney finally gets the respect he deserves... and I had to stop reading before the Mary Sue showed up to marry him and live happily ever after. )
Ooh, good thing I held off on that one.
God, Prufrock is good.
She really, really is. And a good egg, too.
And Oh, Dear, Matt. Thanks for the warning. ::sigh::
Happy to take one for the team. At least fics like that don't tend to crop up that often on the list. Usually even if a submission deals with characters or pairings I'm not interested in, the writing itself is good.
I wonder if the author realizes feedback in the single digits (and 3 of the 7 comments are her replies) is the equivalent of a room full of people whistling and looking away studiously?
God, Prufrock is good.
Really? Her stuff doesn't quite do it for me. It's a fun read, and I do read, but it never quite clicks.
Plus, she keeps insisting that John has a Southern accent, which...no.
I've wondered about that from a variety of authors. Lots of people talk about him drawling, but Flanigan sounds West Coast to me. Definitely not Texan, as I've seen crop up more than once.
Really? Her stuff doesn't quite do it for me.
I think she's really really funny. I enjoyed Boom Boom Room as an AU more than Hindsight, but I liked them both. She's just fun. I wouldn't mind seeing what she'd do with a plot that wasn't a farce/romantic comedy.