"House" seems to cross over with other series remarkably well, from what I've seen. There was a JoA/House crossover that was pretty funny (Joan thought House was a manifestation of God).
Fan Fiction II: Great story! Where's the sequel?
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
Watching Stargate Atlantis Season 2, episode 13 (having not seen episodes 6-12). Thoughts:
1) DAMN, Ronon is hothothothothot.
2) I want to read Teyla/Becket.
3) I want to read Skinner/Weir.
4) I want to read Cadman/McKay.
5) I want to read good Becket gen fic.
6) I want to read Novak backstory.
7) Shit, man. Elizabeth has just okayed torture to get information out of a suspect. I really hope (but don't expect) that this is going to be addressed as the Big Fucking Deal it is.
8) God, I love Zelenka.
Hey, Fay, could you whitefont that please? The episode in question hasn't yet aired in the US. (Plus I suspect you meant to post it in Boxed Set rather than the fanfic thread.)
It hasn't aired in the US?
t baffled
Well, where has it aired?
The majority of the comments pertained to fanfic I'd like to read, which is why it's in this thread. I'll move it if it's a problem, though.
edited because I'm being a snappy bitch, for which I apologise.
I ran into a Sports Night/Muppets crossover today. Twas fun-knee.
It's aired in Canada. And I honestly don't mind you posting here; I just kinda figured it might've been unintentional. (I'll have to admit I tried to kind of unfocus my eyes, because I'm aware of the Big Spoiler for that episode but would rather avoid details if possible. So my apologies if I made an unreasonable guess.)
Oh, I see. Why on earth is Canada 4 or more episodes ahead of the US? Is this normal? It seems terribly unfair.
(...it isn't the episode that's just aired, you know - it's 4 episodes back. Really, not so much with the exciting plot points. But Ronon continued to be hotter than molten lava. Damn, that boy is fine.)
The Sci-Fi Channel tends to air its original programming during rerun time for the bigger networks, so we haven't seen a new episode of SGA since... The Lost Boys, I think it was called? Anyway, the first half of the two-parter, which I think aired in early September. It'll start up again this Friday.
I'm almost tempted to write Fay's Sam/Maggie thing, since I'm familiar with both fandoms. However, I do have other writing obligations at the moment. And I satisfied my pr0n-writing urge last weekend.
There are a few fun NE stories out there, though: there's a couple on the Yuletide archive from the last few years. I did a very short NE snippet a while back, but never did anything more with it. It's kind of a pre-internet show, sadly, so I don't think it ever got a critical mass of fic written for it.
I do love Ed, though...
Go on! Go on, Suela! You know it'd be fun. And, hell, it wouldn't even have to be pron! In fact, hell, I'll write the pron, if there needs to be. But I prefer to know canon inside and out before I write something, so I don't feel that I could do justice to the interaction. And there could be Ed. Ed rocks.
Actually, most of the characters rock. Even the moose.
Ah, go on! Ya will! Ya will ya will ya will ya will!
t / Father Ted