If we're talking about fics we'd love to read, but wouldn't dare write, I would love to see a House/AtS or BtVS crossover. The snark-off between House and pre-ascension Cordy would be a thing of beauty and would probably leave a blast radius of about five miles.
Fan Fiction II: Great story! Where's the sequel?
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
There's a surprisingly good House/HP crossover, in which Snape finds himself admitted to the hospital after (evidently) having been tortured by DeathEaters & losing his wand.
"House" seems to cross over with other series remarkably well, from what I've seen. There was a JoA/House crossover that was pretty funny (Joan thought House was a manifestation of God).
Watching Stargate Atlantis Season 2, episode 13 (having not seen episodes 6-12). Thoughts:
1) DAMN, Ronon is hothothothothot.
2) I want to read Teyla/Becket.
3) I want to read Skinner/Weir.
4) I want to read Cadman/McKay.
5) I want to read good Becket gen fic.
6) I want to read Novak backstory.
7) Shit, man. Elizabeth has just okayed torture to get information out of a suspect. I really hope (but don't expect) that this is going to be addressed as the Big Fucking Deal it is.
8) God, I love Zelenka.
Hey, Fay, could you whitefont that please? The episode in question hasn't yet aired in the US. (Plus I suspect you meant to post it in Boxed Set rather than the fanfic thread.)
It hasn't aired in the US?
t baffled
Well, where has it aired?
The majority of the comments pertained to fanfic I'd like to read, which is why it's in this thread. I'll move it if it's a problem, though.
edited because I'm being a snappy bitch, for which I apologise.
I ran into a Sports Night/Muppets crossover today. Twas fun-knee.
It's aired in Canada. And I honestly don't mind you posting here; I just kinda figured it might've been unintentional. (I'll have to admit I tried to kind of unfocus my eyes, because I'm aware of the Big Spoiler for that episode but would rather avoid details if possible. So my apologies if I made an unreasonable guess.)
Oh, I see. Why on earth is Canada 4 or more episodes ahead of the US? Is this normal? It seems terribly unfair.
(...it isn't the episode that's just aired, you know - it's 4 episodes back. Really, not so much with the exciting plot points. But Ronon continued to be hotter than molten lava. Damn, that boy is fine.)
The Sci-Fi Channel tends to air its original programming during rerun time for the bigger networks, so we haven't seen a new episode of SGA since... The Lost Boys, I think it was called? Anyway, the first half of the two-parter, which I think aired in early September. It'll start up again this Friday.