And I may have commented before that while filming that scene, which they did in one take, the fight got so hot and heavy that they had to cut immediately to make sure Adrian Paul and Peter Wingfield still had all of their body parts attached.
Fan Fiction II: Great story! Where's the sequel?
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
t makes note to track down relevant seasons of Highlander
For thrusting and panting, it's hard to beat. Plus, there's an average of one simulated orgasm per episode.
And if you're really lucky, they're shared.
Way too Guh! reading this.
Was never big into slash, until Doctor Who season 26, but now it's made me rethink so many slashies.
You all have SO corrupted me. I was watching "Kidnapped" on frelling Masterpiece Theatre, and the slash was ubiquitous.
I watch shows I watched innocently as a kid, and my jaw just drops at what I now see as blatant slash. "Starsky & Hutch" anybody?
Who were you slashing, Betsy? The two kids? Balfour and the dashing wotsisname?
I have 3 more episodes of S1 Starsky and Hutch and the documentaries on the dvd set. Those guys are married, and it's sweet to watch them together. However, normally I'm not a hurt comfort fan, but that show is mostly h/c. Hutch gets shot up with drugs (and only Starsky's love can pull him through!), Starsky gets shot and only Hutch's love and quick thinking can save them! Starsky gets shot up with posion and only Hutch's determination saves him!
Plus, I finally saw Starsky's apartment and Hutch's apartment was redecorated again the last time I saw it.
Highlander is the reason I got into slash. It just does make so much more sense. Why, exactly, is Methos so interested in Duncan? Why does he show up and laze around on Duncan's bed? Why does he offer to let Duncan take his head?
Plus, you know, pretty.