Yay for Helfer love!
I read that as "Yay for heifer love!"
That was bad.
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Yay for Helfer love!
I read that as "Yay for heifer love!"
That was bad.
That was bad.
Especially since it was ita posting it.
I'm not sure which of the women I'd slash, though! Boomer and Six don't get along, and Boomer doesn't strike me as the antagonist-sex type. Starbuck--please not to laugh, yes, I know she's butch--strikes me as kind of, well, straight, plus whcih of the major characters would she go for? (I mean, you could do PWP with one of the other pilots...) Roslin's a little too focused on her Mission to be having sex with anyone, plus she's dying of cancer so I rather doubt she's feeling well.
Well, there's Ellen, I suppose. Ellen would totally sleep with any one of them if she thought she'd get something out of it. Or, hmm, Dualla, though again I just don't see her going there with any of the other major characters.
It would require some ... finessing, but still.
Starbuck/Kat (Cat?). Menter/Mentee, some competition, some hero-worship--it could work.
I think Boomer/Starbuck could work, especially if it was set before Boomer plugged a couple of rounds in Adama. Boomer would be all confused and angsty and Starbuck would be chomping on her leg because of being stuck in the ship due to her knee injury.
I can't really see Roslin slash, but Six/Boomer? I can see it, especially if the sex is rough and bordering on non-con.
I can see it, especially if the sex is rough and bordering on non-con.
That's just wrong.
Someone should write it so I can be sure, though.
I can't really see Roslin slash, but Six/Boomer? I can see it, especially if the sex is rough and bordering on non-con.
Yeah, okay, Six on Boomer, maybe. I don't see Sharon being into it, but I can see Six wanting to go there.
Starbuck--please not to laugh, yes, I know she's butch--strikes me as kind of, well, straight,
It's sort of like the Jim Ellison effect, I think -- so macho that you can't see them sleeping with women?
I've seen good Roslin/Starbuck. Both of them are pretty pragmatic about some things.
OMG, y'all can't see the Roslin/Starbuck? It's TOTALLY there. Not as intense as the Roslin/Apollo, but still pretty damn smokin'.
AFAIK Jenny O is writing femmecentric BSG fic, and it's some of her best stuff to date, imho.