Crack Van does Starsky and Hutch sometimes.
'Get It Done'
Fan Fiction II: Great story! Where's the sequel?
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
I do love Crack_Van. Granted, the recs can be of variable quality depending on who's doing the reccin'g that month (I still remember that one month when someone recc'd all kind of Jack/Daniel badfic for SG-1; Oy), but it's such a helpful resource when there is a good mix of different kinds of fic. The new BSG section seems particularly nicely balanced between what appears to be the two major pairings in the fandom (Starbuck/Apollo and Roslin/Apollo), with generous sprinklings of good gen, vignettes, and minor-character fic. Haven't seen much slash there yet--it's actually one fandom where I think there is much more potential for some excellent femslash rather than m/m.
it's actually one fandom where I think there is much more potential for some excellent femslash rather than m/m.
Yeah, I'm so new to it that I haven't entirely sorted out who's who, but I'm loving the range of female characters -- not only that there are more than just a few, but that they seem to be more than just stock femme fatale or asskicker or earthmother types. And of course, there's the Starbuck lust.
(And if I'm going to be disappointed as I get to know them better, please don't tell me)
I gather you're still watching the S1? Watch out for the spoilers when you seek out fic, because this show brings some mega-watts HSQs and you don't want to be spoiled for them.
The female characters continue to rock in S2; I love how they are soldier/pilot/politician first then women second, but all without sacrificing their femininity. Even Number Six, who comes across cliched as hell in the first look, has some fabulous layers. (And I adore Tricia Helfer's portrayal of Six. Tough to believe this is her first major acting gig.)
(And if I'm going to be disappointed as I get to know them better, please don't tell me)
Not even a glimmer of that, from where I'm sitting.
(And I adore Tricia Helfer's portrayal of Six. Tough to believe this is her first major acting gig.)
She's the one it took me longest to warm up to, but I'm liking her more and more every ep. The last episode just fucking broke me. On so many levels, not just her.
Yay for Helfer love! I have been surprised to see how many people disliked her, but I've been impressed for a while now.
If only I can ever catch up these last three episodes.
I inhaled the last three eps last weekend, and now I can't wait for the damn new ones to come.
Hunh. I suppose I should hunt down some more Starsky & Hutch recs for the next update, then.
yes please!
I finished watching the first four episodes and I really like the show in general not just for the slashy goodness.
I've been hunting around trying to find recs, fics, etc. I know there's been a resurgence of interest in The Professionals, has the same thing happened with S&H.
Helfer does a great job making Six genuinely menacing. I love it when she brings out her rage, but the moments when she won me over were 1) the one in which (I think, during "Litmus") she chocks up with tears of envy that Helo was able to feel so passionately and love deeply, and 2) the expression on her face in the teaser to "Kobol's Last Gleaming" part 1 when she sat wordlessly with such stillness and sorrow after the Baltar/Starbuck tryst. The complexity she brings to the portrayal of Six is rather extraordinary.