Is the KC slash between Jack and the British guy?
So far, yes. But there's so much potential for threesomes here! The beauty is that so far, this appears to be a Lego fandom. All the pieces fit together nicely.
The LJ fic community, which I thank Smonster for the pointer towards, is here: [link]
So, Stephan is the British Guy, Seth is Xander and Teddy is who?
Teddy is the sexy seafood dude from the first episode.
Okay, he really wasn't in the second episode was he?
Okay, he really wasn't in the second episode was he?
Just in the part while the credits were rolling.
Well, the fact that I only saw the second episode explains why I don't know who Teddy is!
John Cho who plays Teddy. I imagine we'll see him again.
He's too funny for them not to use him. And Off Centre proved that he speaks HoYay and isn't afraid to use it.
And here I thought Atlantis was taking over for Smallville in the slash department.
The slashers will have a LOT of work to do to catch up to the sheer amount of Mckay/Sheppard out there. I expect it to overtake Angel/Lindsey in volume sometime in Season 4.
Atlantis took a while to build, though. Smallville exploded immediately.