I do not read WIPs, you cannot tempt me.
How long until Yuletide?
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
I do not read WIPs, you cannot tempt me.
How long until Yuletide?
I read a really good Star Wars/Rogue One story this weekend. floating, sinking is an Everyone Lives AU, which starts right after Rogue One and carries through with a politically-savvy AU of Star Wars, in which Rogue One also ends up on the Death Star when Luke and Han show up. It's really very good, and nicely long: 188,000 words. Oh, and it's Jyn/Cassian, Base/Chirrut.
I need more stories like this if I'm going to be home sick tomorrow, as I expect.
How long until Yuletide?
I say, as my 100 words a day these days are basically me writing a companion piece to one of my stories from last Yuletide that will never see the light of day but recently broke 9k, so it's always Yuletide in my world, I guess.
How long until Yuletide?
The first two series were out already when the most recent Yuletide rolled around (I think they aired August-Sept 2017) and there were, like, 12-15 stories, I think? Most of them short and none too memorable.
It looks like the series will air in US summer of this year, but unfortunately on Cinemax: [link]
Yes, but next Yuletide I can request it. Not that my request guarantees a good story. Sigh. Fandom is hard.
Yes, but next Yuletide I can request it.
TRUTH. *fist-pump*
I'll be happy with a small but enthusiastic fandom, compared to basically no fandom we have right now. I mean, their relationship seems SUPER tropey and just the kind to attract fangirls, but what do I know. Honestly, I am not objective because they could not have come up with a pairing that appealed more to my own particular sensibilities if they had cooked them up in a lab on a special order.
Yes, but next Yuletide I can request it. Not that my request guarantees a good story. Sigh. Fandom is hard.
This is why you start early on getting your friends into a thing to maximize your chances of getting something you'd like, IJS.
A heartfelt prayer to the deities of fic: please, please let this Victorian vampire Hannnibal AU be good. At least vaguely decently written?
The fic was a little choppy in places (the author admitted when they posted unbeta'd chapters), and there were a handful of punctuation errors. But I am cheerfully willing to ignore such things when there's purple prose and Hannibal as a vampire. My id. Right here.
Latest abomination in the portmanteau wars (me vs. the portmaneaux):
Gotham, Edward Nygma and Oswald Cobblepot.
Guys. Sometimes it just doesn't work. Let it go.