Yes, but next Yuletide I can request it. Not that my request guarantees a good story. Sigh. Fandom is hard.
This is why you start early on getting your friends into a thing to maximize your chances of getting something you'd like, IJS.
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
Yes, but next Yuletide I can request it. Not that my request guarantees a good story. Sigh. Fandom is hard.
This is why you start early on getting your friends into a thing to maximize your chances of getting something you'd like, IJS.
A heartfelt prayer to the deities of fic: please, please let this Victorian vampire Hannnibal AU be good. At least vaguely decently written?
The fic was a little choppy in places (the author admitted when they posted unbeta'd chapters), and there were a handful of punctuation errors. But I am cheerfully willing to ignore such things when there's purple prose and Hannibal as a vampire. My id. Right here.
Latest abomination in the portmanteau wars (me vs. the portmaneaux):
Gotham, Edward Nygma and Oswald Cobblepot.
Guys. Sometimes it just doesn't work. Let it go.
Oh my god! Still better than the insane ship names of Roswell, though.
I really hate most of them.
Why is s / so hard?
I am still searching for a new show new pairing that will grab me.
Is that Arrow and Pitch X-over?
A Pitch Veronica Mars crossover exists, just started, not complete, author I usually enjoy.
Things that make you feel like a Fandom Old:
The Least of All Possible Mistakes came out 5 years ago. Reichencrack would be starting Kindergarten in the fall.
The Least of All Possible Mistakes is easily my favorite het fic ever. Lestrade is wonderful, and I want to have a coffee with her and discuss dog training.
Why is there a Rick/Negan college AU on AO3?
I mean, I know why, but WHY.