It never gets used. It's good for it to get used.
True. The last time it was used was, um, 1995? Crikey. I guess I will be breaking out the china and silver, as otherwise it's paper and plastic, and I don't think paper plates will stand up to the food. I hope it doesn't make the guests uncomfortable.
I can't imagine uncomfortable guests with Raquel as host. China will be lovely.
It's Friday!!
I painted my fingernails blue last night and they are making me sillily happy. Also? warm weather today! We are supposed to get up to 77. WOO! to the HOO, I might add.
At least it's all ABCs. Green chile doesn't appeal to Greeks at all. Here's the menu so far:
Chips, salsa, guacamole
Tortilla rollups
Green Chile and Sour Cream Enchiladas
Big Pot of Chili (tm)
Watermelon, Tomato, and Feta salad
White Chocolate Raspberry Cheesecake
The salad's a Greek shout-out, and while the cheesecake doesn't scream New Mexican, the recipe's from Santacafe, so it counts. Now I need a side dish.
Green chile doesn't appeal to Greeks at all.
Hrrmph. And they say they invented civilization.
Oh, yum. Too bad you can't borrow my Fiestaware, Raquel. I've got it all boxed up, but I don't think I can get it to Greece by Thursday.
I love how both my link and Tom Scola's had a banner ad for Verizon.