Mmm... I want to go to Raquel's party. And using the china does not make it a fancy party -- just makes nice plates!
I woke up earlier than I had meant to, based on how late I stayed up, but apparently I was impersonating a mouse under the covers and my cat had to ATTACK!!
Today I will go for the long walk in the park I've been wanting to do all spring. Finally, nice weather!
I've got it all boxed up, but I don't think I can get it to Greece by Thursday.
Edit: I want you to come to my party, too, Jesse! In fact, everyone's invited. But you guys know you have perma-vites to Greece anyway.
also? Jesse should come have lunch with me.
Can you make salsa fresca without cilantro?
There has got to be cilantro to be found! Actually, I've been in a similar situation. Back in Prague, my friend decided to throw a mexican themed party. And I got to do most of the shopping. Great fun, that. Nothing is quite as frustrating as trying to find the czech words for cilantro, triple sec (I know. Really. But everyone seemed very confused. I finally found an expat bartender who donated a bottle to my cause for the price of an invite) and sour cream. Oh and then actually trying to find said products. I think I confused many a shop owner that weekend.
Where do you get the green chile from? No sopapillas? (I can't imagine making them. But mmm.)
Had another frustrating conversation with the maintenance office. Seems they don't actually TALK to the workers and have no fucking clue what's going on beyond submitting a work order. Despite the fact she was standing there, TALKING to some of said staff. I think I might have to kill her.
Where do you get the green chile from?
My sister sent me a case of it as a housewarming present when we got here.
No sopapillas? (I can't imagine making them. But mmm.)
I know. I don't have a deep-fat fryer, though, so it's a messy process and mine never come out quite right. And they have to be hot, so I'd be in the kitchen instead of hostessing. But mmmm.
I am making the tortillas, though - they have them in the stores here (!!!) but they are shelf-stable tortillas that never go stale, and they taste a little like nickels. Of course, this means the tortillas, rather than round, will be shaped something like Alaska, but hey.
they have them in the stores here (!!!) but they are shelf-stable tortillas that never go stale, and they taste a little like nickels.
I know your pain. My handmade tortillas always come out more like flatbread than tortillas. I can't get them thin enough. And they always look more like Maine.
You have a very nice sister.
I'm thinking I should ask my parents to schlep out some green chile when they come in two weeks, except they are going to be in Birmingham for a week first and I don't think the frozen stuff would survive that many re-freezings. I can get the canned ortega/el paso stuff, but at ridiculous markup. I need to go down to the Fells Point area and see if the grocerias there have it.
I have a homeowner-type question. If I get a contractor to come out and look at my gutters and front stoop, and he promises to drop off a written estimate "soon" and a week goes by and no estimate, does that mean he doesn't want the job or else he's just forgotten and it's a good idea to give him a call?
I can't believe there's no cilantro in Greece! Though they probably call it coriander.
Theo - I had to follow-up like an insane person to get anything from contractors. I say call them.