Isn't mulefucking the sort of thing an Old Testament god would flamestrike people for? I mean, I'm a forgiving sort, so I'm prepared to forgive and forget on his mulefucking past if he'll stop being a bigot and anti-abortion sociopath.
By the way - for the record, we had no mules on our farm.
Stump-broke cattle?
Was checking my bank account for the upteenth time to see if my tax return had gotten to me yet-- after all, I filed like first thing in February! Nothing. I went to turbo tax and while it appears I completed all the steps, they have
no record
of me filing my returns, and I can't recall if I went all the way through and received a confirmation or not. So I just filed after feeling all superior for getting this done months early. Lovely.
Kinsey did demonstrate that bestiality is not uncommon among farm laborers.
I just find it amusing that in Georgia, you can't legally buy alternative forms of things that are "warm and damp and vibrate".
We have some labor lawyers around here, don't we?
I'm looking at the rules for non-exempt labor and there's a weird loophole written into them.
If you're paid by the hour, you have to be paid time-and-a-half for overtime UNLESS you work in the computer industry. If you work in the computer industry, they have to pay you for hours past 40, but at your normal rate.
However, Section 13(a)(1) and Section 13(a)(17) of the FLSA provide an exemption from both minimum wage and overtime pay for computer systems analysts, computer programmers, software engineers, and other similarly skilled workers in the computer field who meet certain tests regarding their job duties and who are paid at least $455 per week or a salary basis or paid on an hourly basis, at a rate not less than $27.63 an hour.
I wonder who got that written into law? And why aren't lawyers and doctors and such included?
I'd always heard that people grew up much more matter-of-fact about the facts of life on a farm, from seeing the animals behaving as they do. But my impression was that it was still only the deviants that tried to cut in on the circle of life.
I just find it amusing that in Georgia, you can't legally buy alternative forms of things that are "warm and damp and vibrate".
It upsets the mules. (Especially the male ones.) Cuts into their action and all.
That sex habits thing sounded really, really fishy (no pun intended), but dailykos linked to the audio, though I can't listen to it to confirm.
Kinsey's data and methods were fishy, too, and the bestiality statistic could not be replicated.
And, well, Moyer was once the ace (or nearly so) of the Cubs' staff.
Hell, a few years ago he was the ace of our staff.
Now we're back up, 9-6, bottom of the 4th. For some reason Pavano is still in, but Thornton is pitching for our side. Ichiro and Ibanez both hit homers to right in the top of the inning. Ibanez's went in the first row of the upper deck. Ichiro's wasn't so powerful, but in the slow motion I swear you can see the exact moment he goes from "I'm going to try to get a base hit" to "Time to go yard." Split second wide eyes-grin-SWING.
I suspect it's a case of people who fuck their mules assuming that everyone else is, too. The same way that people who do not fuck their mules assume that other people's mules are similarly unmolested.