whereas it was a known and obvious scientific fact that a woman who was in truly touch with her sexuality, who truly owned her femininity and her womanliness, would wear tight jeans all the time so men could see her ass properly.
Well duh. I know this because I did a survey.
My old hairstylist used to call them french bangs, but I can't find them called that in Google.
I love how they look, but they're they're the one hair choice my BF really doesn't like for some odd reason (although he takes great pains to tell me I can get them if I want).
More grenades?
I just refreshed and it said no injuries.
More grenades?
I was wondering the same thing.
Sadly, all the punchlines I can think of would probably get me in trouble with the FBI.
Robin, your BF is the sweetest.
whereas it was a known and obvious scientific fact that a woman who was in truly touch with her sexuality, who truly owned her femininity and her womanliness, would wear tight jeans all the time so men could see her ass properly.
Huh. Gosh, I never realized I was a frigid prude. I'll have to warn Pete.
If men want to see my ass, they can just sleep with me, as is polite.
So, the Bush story is now down from Yahoo news and didn't show up anywhere else. WTF?
They replaced Bush with a new half-retarded cyborg and started the massive cover-up. Again.
Oh, Jilli, I'm sure Pete knows already and just thinks you're putting a brave face on it. And a brave corset, and two brave petticoats, and a brave velvet jacket, a brave top hat with a silver bird skull, brave bat-shaped sunglasses, a brave ruffly Edwardian blouse, a brave pink-and-black pinstriped bustle skirt, brave pointy-toed shoes, brave Vamp lipstick, braved arched bangs and eyebrows, and a brave coffin purse, all augmented by the occasional brave hoopskirts and brave parasol.
You poor dear, all eaten up with the morbid shyness and visceral rejection of all things female like you are.
::hands Jilli a consolatory petit four and a lace handkerchief misted with lavender water::