My first post-college boyfriend informed me while breaking up with me that he couldn't be with someone who obviously hated her sexuality as much as I did.
Upon questioning, it emerged that he had reached this conclusion because I wore a lot of long flowered dresses in shimmery sensual fabrics and rich colors; whereas it was a known and obvious scientific fact that a woman who was in truly touch with her sexuality, who truly owned her femininity and her womanliness, would wear tight jeans all the time so men could see her ass properly.
Just saw this on Yahoo News:
BREAKING NEWS: Grenade thrown in front of Bush in Georgia; more to come
JZ...I would be horrified, but that's so awful it reaches comic absurdity. Wow. What a nutjob!
whereas it was a known and obvious scientific fact that a woman who was in truly touch with her sexuality, who truly owned her femininity and her womanliness, would wear tight jeans all the time so men could see her ass properly.
Well duh. I know this because I did a survey.
My old hairstylist used to call them french bangs, but I can't find them called that in Google.
I love how they look, but they're they're the one hair choice my BF really doesn't like for some odd reason (although he takes great pains to tell me I can get them if I want).
More grenades?
I just refreshed and it said no injuries.
More grenades?
I was wondering the same thing.
Sadly, all the punchlines I can think of would probably get me in trouble with the FBI.
Robin, your BF is the sweetest.
whereas it was a known and obvious scientific fact that a woman who was in truly touch with her sexuality, who truly owned her femininity and her womanliness, would wear tight jeans all the time so men could see her ass properly.
Huh. Gosh, I never realized I was a frigid prude. I'll have to warn Pete.